by Tristan P., Nuevo León, Mexico
(2020 Individual Winner: ages 14–21)
Indoor Garden Tower
by Saava T., New York, USA
(2020 Individual Winner: ages 8–10)
Ice Cream Saver
by Ace M., South Carolina, USA
(2020 Individual Winner: ages 5–7)
Food-Help Indoor Farming System
by Henry F., Michigan, USA
(2020 Individual Winner: ages 11–13)
The Hydro Ship
by Danilo A., Brian G., Eric L., Hanson T., Nathaniel Z., New York, USA
(2020 Team Winner: ages 8–10)
The Green Grocery Bus
by Eli C., Brayden L., Jack I., Paige B. , Missouri and New York, USA
(2020 Team Winner: ages 11–13)
Plastic Stacking Crates
by Isabella B., Payton E., Alana L., Abby T. , Colorado, USA
(2020 Team Winner: ages 14–21)
The Tomato Picker
by Brendan D., Virginia, USA
(2019 Individual Winner: ages 5–7)
Virtual ME
by Kavi S., California, USA
(2019 Individual Winner: ages 8–10)
Temp Plate
by Ravindu K., Connecticut, USA
(2019 Individual Winner: ages 11–13)
The Helping Hand
by Sophia I., Missouri, USA
(2019 Individual Winner: ages 14–21)
The Craw
by Lucia D., Alana W., Emma Jay P., New York, USA
(2019 Team Winner: ages 8–10)
FIG (Fresh food from Indoor Gardens)
by Andrew L., Braden G., Christopher S., Eddie L., Madison C., Martael H., Wilda L. , New Jersey, USA
(2020 Team Winner: ages 11–13)
Pop Up Planter
by Delaney S., Makenzie G. , Missouri, USA
(2020 Team Winner: ages 14+)

Past Challenges

Create a new invention that helps provide access to healthy food for everyone, everywhere, every day.

Think about a new invention that enhances the daily lives of older adults.

Think about a new and innovative way to provide natural disaster preparation or relief.


Think about a real-world environmental issue and come up with a planet-friendly solution.


Think about a real-world health problem and come up with a solution.


Think about a real-world problem and come up with a solution.